based on the animated television series. The game begins with the player taking control of Beetlejuice as he attempts to get rid of all the ghosts th...
based on the animated television series. The game begins with the player taking control of Beetlejuice as he attempts to get rid of all the ghosts th...
The Game Boy version of Alien³ differs significantly from the console games based on the third Alien film. Unlike the more shooter-oriented action on ...
Accept the toughest challenge in all of wrestling: the WWF® Wrestlemania® Steel Cage Challenge®! You control every action-packed move and manoeuvre - ...
Get ready for the greatest in powerhouse action --- both in and out of the ring. Go head-to-head with either of the biggest WWF Superstars. Can you...
It's the event that everyone is talking about --- The King of the Ring --- and now it's time to prove you're the best! It's a brutal, no time out eli...
Stranded on a remote, deserted island by his arch enemies, Sabretooth and Magneto, Marvel Comics' Wolverine must fight the battle of his life. Super-h...
You play this game as the Private Investigator, Eddie Valliant, while Roger Rabbit wanders around the scenery behind you. Your job is to search the ci...
O.K. dudes, the time has come to really get radical. You and the rest of "Da Boys", T&C's famous group of skate and surf crazies, can kick out and pu...
Whoa, Thrilla Gorilla! Bag your boards and lay back tall for the raddest, weirdest surf and skate action ever! Wazula, an evil Kahuna, has stolen your...
The entire human race is in danger! Magneto and his band of evil mutants are on the rampage and nothing can stop them... except for you, professor Xav...