With Dreamer: Shop Owner, your dreams can come true running your own shop: a florist, grocery store and bakery! Water and cut the flowers as a florist...
With Dreamer: Shop Owner, your dreams can come true running your own shop: a florist, grocery store and bakery! Water and cut the flowers as a florist...
Make your dreams come true! Welcome to your very own puppy farm! Take care of your new four-legged guests by providing them with food, water and shelt...
Become a sensational pop star and travel the globe with your spectacular performances. Sing, play guitar, drums and keyboard as you take your band ...
Take a ride in the beautiful outdoors and experience all of the thrills and excitement of owning your very own horse! Feed, groom, decorate and saddle...
Gorgeous dresses and awesome locations! Enter the fantastic world of fashion! Discover the style that suits you best! Find out what it takes to become...
Following the tradition of the Petz series for PC, Ubisoft brings the series to the DS with this title. It is the first game in a new branch called "W...
A pet simulation game that lets owners name, train and play with a realistic puppy. Players create and control a main character and choose one of 49 d...
Have you got what it takes to tame wild spiders? Hunt dangerous species from around the world to build up your own impressive vivariums and complete m...
Can you tame these wild snakes? Six exotic species of snake to collect and learn facts about. Complete dangerous missions in the jungle to hunt exotic...
In Puppy Playtime, players raise and train their very own rescue dogs to eventually take on more than 30 missions alongside the Police Force, Fire Dep...