The story begins following the competition of the Holy Road soccer tournament. Tenma returns to Raimon Junior High, but finds that things have changed...
The story begins following the competition of the Holy Road soccer tournament. Tenma returns to Raimon Junior High, but finds that things have changed...
Youths' soccer world championship, Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFIV2) is held, thus Inazuma Japan is announced. However, to represent Ja...
Youths' soccer world championship, Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFIV2) is held, thus Inazuma Japan is announced. However, to represent Ja...
A new challenge awaits in Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Ogre Attacks! As Mark Evans and his friends prepare to take on the Frontier International Championshi...
Several months have passed after saving Earth from Alius Academy’s attack (in Inazuma Eleven 2), Mark Evans and his teammates are summoned by Seymour ...
Several months have passed after saving Earth from Alius Academy’s attack (in Inazuma Eleven 2), Mark Evans and his teammates are summoned by Seymour ...
Take the world of soccer by storm! Genres collide in this soccer RPG! The original world-renowned soccer RPG INAZUMA ELEVEN is now available for di...
FANTASY LIFE* is an original RPG for the Nintendo 3DS from LEVEL-5, featuring music by Nobuo Uematsu and image illustration by Yoshitaka Amano. Set ...
LEVEL-5 and Yasumi Matsuno have brought together the industry's most venerated creators in the world of RPGs to take up the challenge and lend their s...
Comcept's Keiji Inafune, whose work on MEGA MAN, Onimusha, and DEAD RISING have brought him international fame and acclaim, introduces BUGS vs. TANKS!...