On October 5, 1994, a seventeen-year-old high school student named Yuri meets a polite yet mysterious elderly gentleman at the crosswalk. Although puz...
On October 5, 1994, a seventeen-year-old high school student named Yuri meets a polite yet mysterious elderly gentleman at the crosswalk. Although puz...
Dark Hunter is an adventure game that is the second entry of Shibusawa Kou's "English Dream" series. The purpose behind the projects is to teach Japan...
It is a direct sequel to "Dark Hunter: (Jou) Ijigen Gakuen" and thus the story picks up immediately after the events of the first game. Finally, the r...
Daikoukai Jidai (also known as Uncharted Waters) is a popular Japanese video game series produced by Koei as part of its Rekoeition games. In East Asi...
Uncharted Waters is a popular Japanese video game series produced by Koei as part of its rekoeition games. In East Asia, the series has a large cult f...
Turn based strategy game. Become Genghis Khan and lead the most fearsome army in the known world. Use your Land of Mongols to build an empire on th...
It's the era of the Second Han Dynasty, and China is being overrun by powerful warlords. A struggle for power among the court families has spawned a t...
P.T.O. II (Pacific Theater of Operations), released as Teitoku no Ketsudan II (提督の決断II?)[4] in Japan, is a Koei strategy video game that depicts the c...
Operation Europe: Path to Victory is a multiplatform war game where one or two players can compete in World War II action. The object of the game is t...