An expansive fantasy world influenced by historical and traditional Japanese elements. This new franchise casts players in the role of the demon-fight...
An expansive fantasy world influenced by historical and traditional Japanese elements. This new franchise casts players in the role of the demon-fight...
Toukiden: Kiwami is the sequel to 'TOUKIDEN,' consisting of all the content from the original title plus the addition of various elements and stories.
The newest title in the hunting-action series 'Toukiden,' characteristic for its thrilling Targeted Destruction and a Japanese view of the world, will...
Japanese demon-hunting returns this June with another installation in the high-action Toukiden series - with much of the same hacking & slashing adore...
This game tells the tales left untold by "Samurai Warriors 4," and from the point of view of the characters themselves, rather than the previous title...
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 is an action video game developed by Omega Force and published by Bandai Namco Games for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vi...
One of the highest-rated action games is back and better than ever. Experience a new way to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma with motion & touch controls, tons...
Can the inhuman save humanity? The battle of the past between the Nightlord and the Saint left a major impact on the world. That is, a world that n...
The game follows the journey of two girls within an uncharted land known as Rusewall Island, where no one sleeps at night. After humans emerged victor...
Nelke is a very inquisitive young noblewoman. After a certain development, she was appointed as a governor of the borderland village of Westbald. Thou...