In AR NOSURGE: ODE TO AN UNBORN STAR, the player follows two sets of characters: Delta and Casty, whose goal is to protect humanity and save the world...
In AR NOSURGE: ODE TO AN UNBORN STAR, the player follows two sets of characters: Delta and Casty, whose goal is to protect humanity and save the world...
Part of the Surge Concerto franchise, Ar Nosurge is an RPG that serves as a prequel to the Ar Tonelico game series. Series director Akira Tsuchiya con...
Above a Darkened Kingdom, a Dragon Rises! The next great action game from Team NINJA, the studio behind NINJA GAIDEN and Nioh! Wo Long: Fallen Dyna...
Check out the reveal trailer to see massive beasts and more from Wild Hearts, an upcoming hunting game featuring crafting mechanics. It is developed b...
A battle of heroes where everyone is the lead! The very first all-stars title for Koei Tecmo! For the first time in Warriors series, flashy action com...
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a historical simulation game that recreates the great human drama of the Three Kingdom period of Chinese history....
The renowned historical simulation series returns with enhanced features in "Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere on Influence". Take the role of the legendary...
Experience the thrill of taking on hordes of fearsome yokai in a battle to the death in this brutal masocore Action RPG. Create your own original prot...
Three extremely high speed and intense ninja action games are now available in one package! Enjoy 3 games from the NINJA GAIDEN series in this sing...
FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water returns to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the horror-adventure series FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO....