The popular series "Nobunaga's Ambition" has been renewed for WonderSwan! Enjoy the battle of the Sengoku daimyo who bet his life on the trade-in with...
The popular series "Nobunaga's Ambition" has been renewed for WonderSwan! Enjoy the battle of the Sengoku daimyo who bet his life on the trade-in with...
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III, or Sangokushi III to give it its Japanese name, is the third game in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series of hi...
Lord of Darkness, known in Japan as Bushō Fūun Roku, is the fourth game in the Nobunaga series (but only the third one to have been localized in Engli...
Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf is a 2D turn-based grand strategy game, based on the life of the historical Mongol leader Temujin, better known...
Winning Post 2: Program '96 is a Sports game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Winning Post 2 is a Sports game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Winning Post is a Sports game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1993.
In the first Uncharted Waters game, it was the 15th century and the New World was discovered. Now in New Horizons, it is the early 16th century and th...
The Franco family used to be one of the influential houses of Portugal. That is until the head of the family sailed out of a disastrous voyage to find...
Top Management II is a Strategy game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1994. Players must keep their corporation profitable by any...