Tag: Key

Delve further into the world of CLANNAD and experience the stories beyond the original visual novel adventure. Known as CLANNAD Hikari Mimamoru Sakami...

Clannad is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key and released on April 28, 2004 for Windows PCs. Clannad is primarily set in a high school locat...

Angel Beats! is a collaboration project of Key, Dengeki G's, and Aniplex. The story of the visual novel is to be based on the Angel Beats! anime se...

"Tomoyo After" revolves around Okazaki Tomoya and Sakagami Tomoyo. Tomoya has graduated from high school and is now employed as a garbage collector. H...

Since its humble beginnings as a PC game, the "Little Busters!" visual novel has continued to evolve. In the past decade, we have seen spin-off games ...



Nintendo Switch

Key is once again sharing a "human and robot" tale—and it's coming to the Nintendo Switch™ with full voice acting! Set in a distant future where the ...

The story follows the life of Tomoya Okazaki, from adolescence to adulthood. As an average high school student, he meets many people in his last year ...



Nintendo Switch

Step inside a heart-warming tale of love, family, and the ties that bind us all together. With gorgeous visuals and a haunting soundtrack, the classic...

Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life is a sequel to Clannad. The events of the game take place one month after those described in the predecessor. Tomo...