Tag: Key



Sony Playstation Portable

The story follows the life of Kotarou Tennouji, a high school student with superhuman abilities who investigates supernatural mysteries with five girl...



Sony Playstation 4

Okazaki Tomoya is a third-year high school student at Hikarizaka Private High School, leading a life full of resentment. His mother passed away in a c...

The story follows a group of childhood friends (Riki Naoe, Rin Natsume, Kyousuke Natsume, Masato Inohara and Kengo Miyazawa) now attending high school...



Sega Dreamcast

Air for Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 is a console port of an adult visual novel with the same name that was first released as Air as a PC title. This p...

Summer Pockets is set on an isolated, rural and peaceful island on the Seto Inland Sea called Torishirojima, which has a population of about 2,000 peo...

Fandisc for Rewrite consisting of six heroine scenarios and an RPG minigame entitled Rewrite Quest. - vndb.org

Rewrite is set in the fictional city Kazamatsuri where treeplanting and afforestation have caused the city to become overgrown with trees and flowers ...

Box contains All-Ages versions of Kanon, Air, CLANNAD, Planetarian ~chiisana hoshi no yume~, Tomoyo After and Little Busters! EX. It also contains ...

Kanon is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key released on June 4, 1999 for Windows PCs. The gameplay follows a branching plot line which offers pr...