The game is the second installment of the Bases Loaded series. The series spanned three generations of consoles and eight total installments. The orig...
The game is the second installment of the Bases Loaded series. The series spanned three generations of consoles and eight total installments. The orig...
Bases Loaded 4 was Jaleco's last 8-bit entry in the long-running baseball series. The game featured slightly more elaborate animations than its predec...
The game is the third installment of the Bases Loaded series. The series spanned three generations of consoles and eight total installments. The origi...
The game allows the player to control one of 12 teams in either a single game or a full season. For single games, there is also a two-player option. ...
Astyanax is a side-scrolling platform game. The controls are fairly simple: the A Button makes Astyanax jump, the B Button will attack with an axe cal...
Argus is a vertical shooter by Jaleco and conversion of an arcade game originally released in 1986. The players takes control of a space-fighter equip...
Brain Buster Puzzle Pak features hundreds of puzzles ranging from the hugely popular Sudoku to the latest craze in Japan, Kakuro. Also included are th...
There is no rest, even in the afterlife. A classic action game that introduced a unique system for possessing and controlling other characters is n...
In the game, the player starts with three lives and can only run, jump and throw shurikens. The game is divided into stages, each with four floors and...
In this particular adventure game the player turns into a werewolf. Within a period of 40 days and 40 nights the old wizard MELKHIOR must be found for...