Tag: Infocom

You are Arthur Dent, an Englishman with a bad hangover wearing a dressing gown containing a much needed buffered analgesic and some fluff. Your house ...

STARCROSS, Infocom's science fiction mind-bender, launches you headlong into the year 2186 and the depths of space. And not without good reason, four ...




Deadline is an interactive fiction computer game published by Infocom in 1982. Written by Marc Blank, it was one of the first murder mystery interacti...

You live on small seaport Island called Hardscrabble -- hardly the hip place to be. Working as a professional scuba diver, you have the chance to salv...

Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur is an illustrated interactive fiction computer game written by Bob Bates and published by Infocom in 1989. Typically f...

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare IT'S 2031. The world is on the brink o...