Tag: Infocom

Return to Zork is a first-person adventure game using live actors and video sequences. The game is similar to Myst in interface; the player is also ab...

The year is 2261 and you are Tom Jetland, a 22 year old astronaut who has crash landed on Saturn's largest moon,Titan. Your spacecraft was forced to c...

A collection of eleven text adventures that paired with the original Lost Treasures collects all Infocom text adventures with the exception of Leather...

The year is 1936, and suddenly the protagonist is abducted by the Leather Goddesses for the final testing in the plan which will enslave every man and...

Vampire Penguins. A Corpse Line. Meltdown on Elm Street. Who could forget these classic Hollywood movies produced by your uncle, Buddy Burbank? But hi...