Tag: Imagitec Design Inc.

Only Bubsy can protect the world's kids from these silly stories and tangled-up tales as he leaps and bounds his way through 15 frantic chapters of fa...



Atari 7800

This prototype is a very early version of the game. There are issues with collision detection, and the graphics are quite simple. Although this is und...

The Kingdom of Albereth was under attack of barbarian forces. King Valwyn drove the barbarians away, but was wounded in battles. Searching for a place...

The gameplay of The Humans has similarities to Lode Runner and Lemmings. Your job in this action puzzler is to help prehistoric man to evolve by helpi...

Cartoony side-scroller where you take the role of, as the title states, a viking child, in his quest to free his friends and family, held by the evil ...

Zoo keepers from an alien world have scoured human history to steal 7 important figures from different epochs, and it is your job to rescue them. Firs...

American Gladiators is licensed from the popular TV show of the same name. It features a series of events testing players' strength, speed and skill a...

In this action/simulation game by Microprose the player takes the role of an U.S. Army airborne ranger. These Airborne rangers are dropped behind enem...