Tag: Imagic

Cosmic Ark

Cosmic Ark

Atari 2600

The sun of Alpha Ro is fading fast! Soon it will flicker out. The Cosmic Ark races to save creatures from doomed planets in that solar system. Meteor ...

Atlantis II

Atlantis II

Atari 2600

Many game companies in the 1980's held contests in an attempt to boost sales of their games and give their fans something fun to compete for. For exam...

Atlantis (Text)

Atlantis (Text)

Atari 2600

The lost city of Atlantis is under attack! Wave after wave of Gorgon vessels are approaching, each armed with weapons capable of destroying a part of ...

The lost city of Atlantis is under attack! Wave after wave of Gorgon vessels are approaching, each armed with weapons capable of destroying a part of ...



Atari 2600

The lost city of Atlantis is under attack! Wave after wave of Gorgon vessels are approaching, each armed with weapons capable of destroying a part of ...

2 Games in one. Select which game using initial menu. Game 1 is Alien Force (Cosmic Ark) and game 2 is hoppy. In hoppy it appears you try to outsmart ...