Kogoro receives tickets to the grand opening of the Mirapolis complex and is unwittingly forced to take along Ran, Conan, and the Detective Boys. At t...
Kogoro receives tickets to the grand opening of the Mirapolis complex and is unwittingly forced to take along Ran, Conan, and the Detective Boys. At t...
Arc Rise Fantasia is set in the world of Fulheim. Creatures called "Feldragons" are causing a lot of trouble as they pass the Meridian Empire in flock...
Luminous Arc 3 (ルミナスアーク3 アイズ Ruminasu Āku Tsū Aizu?, Luminous Arc 3: Eyes) is a role-playing video game developed by imageepoch and published by Marve...
More Strategy, More Witches, More Fun! As the threat of a rogue Witch looms over Carnava, the Queen calls upon the Magic Association to save the land....
Protect the Light, Condemn the Dark! A Millennium of peace is about to be torn asunder by the spread of darkness. A war with the Witches 1,000 years ...
7th Dragon takes place in the world of Eden of which 80% is ruled by dragons, so the premise of the game is simple: Kill all the dragons, or the human...
Remake of the Second game in the Tōshin Toshi series for the Nintendo 3DS.
Let your voice take song. Defeat the Witch of Destruction and save the world in Stella Glow! For an entire millennium, the world has been devoid of...
Song Magic: Famous Japanese voice actors sing more than 20 songs in the game. Plus, the soundtrack is composed by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger, Xe...
SoniPro is a idol management game where the player manages the career of Super Sonico.