The fate of a land rests in the hands of fearless fighters, united in their quest to control the power of the Earth temple. Master devastating attacks...
The fate of a land rests in the hands of fearless fighters, united in their quest to control the power of the Earth temple. Master devastating attacks...
Spectral Gene is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2007.Spectral Gene is a Role-Playing gam...
Spectral Force: Radical Elements is a Role-Playing game, developed by Neverland and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2004.
Spectral Force Chronicle is a simulation RPG taking place in the fantasy world known as Neverland. Ruled by three gods, the world used to be in balanc...
Sakura Wars is a Strategy RPG that features a unique sim-based story system. An in-depth storyline exists, much like in any other RPG; however, the pl...
Three fearless heroes are all that stand in the way of a mysterious disease that is turning the living into a horde of bloodthirsty zombies. Charged w...
An immersive tactical role-playing experience featuring your favorite characters from such games as Growlanser, Shadow Hearts, Gungrave, Spectral Forc...
Cardinal Arc is Idea Factory's newest card-based RPG. There's more to it than just that, though, as Gallahad must battle against Heaven and Hell to wi...
The ninth entry in Idea Factory's IF Neverland brand. You take control of Xeros, a "contractor" who lost all memory of his past. Along with Adel, who ...
Oasis Road is a role-playing game developed and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 1999.