The game follows a lone gunslinger in a futuristic Wild West as he tries to save the mayor's daughter from a group of technologically well-armed bandi...
The game follows a lone gunslinger in a futuristic Wild West as he tries to save the mayor's daughter from a group of technologically well-armed bandi...
DARC is a jetpack shooter game inspired several games ("Air fortress"(NES), “H.E.R.O”. and "Hero Core"(PC)). The protagonist can fly and shoot in sepa...
This is ' Bara Burū ', developed by Kagesan, for the Sega Master System. An Arcade game released during the coding competition 2016 with some rather i...
A classic jump'n run game in cute style with nice details and some great music! This one is a non stop side scrolling jump, run and slider in which y...
Caves full of Tourmaline crystals have always attracted treasure hunters. With an anti-gravity suit and some quality dynamite you are going to join th...
Star Chaser is yet another homebrew by Sik. This Genesis game supports up to four players at the same time, who need to chase an randomly appearing st...
Prepare your #MegaDrive (or #SegaGenesis (or #メガドライブ)) the await is over, I finally dumped the long lost prototype of #RobertCop 2. for a limited amo...
Gear up in your battle armor and take on the sinister Ocular Force! Become Josephine and put a stop to the power-mad cult and the mysterious phantom f...
Omega Blast is a caravan shooter in which the only mode is two minute score attack. You can choose between a Normal and Hard Mode. In both modes, you ...
Get ready to Bride Hard as you fight through insane odds and some mother-daughter issues! Say “I do” to bullets and blood in this top-down RPG shooter...