The story depicts the action as taking place in the utopian world of Ihatovo. The game focuses on collecting information (notebooks from Miyazawa's...
The story depicts the action as taking place in the utopian world of Ihatovo. The game focuses on collecting information (notebooks from Miyazawa's...
Igo Club is a Miscellaneous game, published by Hect, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Honkakuha Taikyoku Shogi: Shogi Club is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Natsu System and published by Hect, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Released in Japan in 1994.
Thoroughbred Breeder is a series of Japan-exclusive horse racing video games developed and published by Hect. This series of games allows players t...
Mahjong Club is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Natsu System and published by Hect, which was released in Japan in 1998.
The popular platform "CR Moretsu Primitive Man T", which has gained overwhelming support from pachinko fans, is finally here. You can select a store o...
Recommended for horse racing beginners and young couples who go to the racetrack like a date! A tool that allows you to easily predict horse racing si...
Square Deal is a Miscellaneous game, developed and published by Hect, which was released in 1992.
Lazlos' Leap is a Puzzle game, developed and published by Hect, which was released in 1992.