"PAC-LAND" is a side-scrolling action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1984. The title follows PAC-MAN on a quest to bri...
"PAC-LAND" is a side-scrolling action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1984. The title follows PAC-MAN on a quest to bri...
"PAC & PAL" is an action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1983. Turn over cards and eat fruit and special targets to ear...
"P-47" is a shooting game released by JALECO in 1988. Use machine guns and special weapons to defeat the enemy troops attacking from the land, sea,...
"ORIUS" is a shooting game released by KONAMI in 1991. Pilot the cutting-edge fighter craft, "Flintlock," and solve the mystery of what happened on...
"ORDYNE" is a shooting game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1988. Players take control of Doctor TOMARI and his assistant CH...
OMEGA FIGHTER is a shooting game released by UPL in 1989. Use two kinds of Shots and a variety of items to defeat the enemies invading Earth and de...
"NOVA2001" is a shooting game released by UPL in 1983. Players control a fighter which can shoots in all directions. And, its main purpose is to co...
'Ninja-Kid II' is an action game that was released from the UPL in 1987. This 'Ninja-Kid II' has been developed in after three years from the 'Ninj...
"Ninja-Kid" is an action game that was released from the UPL in 1984. Players control Ninja-kun who puts a red hood on, and layers move the scaffol...
Ninja Spirit is an action game released by IREM in 1988. The game follows Tsukikage, who was raised in the way of the ninja. As he learns the truth...