Hidden Mysteries: Gates of Graceland is a hidden object adventure game that revolves around the fictional premise that Elvis wrote a song shortly befo...
Hidden Mysteries: Gates of Graceland is a hidden object adventure game that revolves around the fictional premise that Elvis wrote a song shortly befo...
Cooking Quest combines time management and hidden objects to put your virtual cooking skills to the test! Cook your way to great reviews with Cooki...
Castle is an investigative adventure game that will immerse casual players into the thrilling exploits of famous mystery novelist Richard Castle and D...
Prove You Can Sleuth! Channel your inner Sherlock and unlock the mysteries in these 5 marvelous mysteries! Investigate collect clues and use your Mahj...
What is intended as a relaxing vacation to Savannah , Georgia for Claire Donnelly wuickly turns into one of adventure and mystery. Upon her arrival, C...
Four young girls have been suffering from an outbreak of mysterious fits and bizarre tantrums. Rumors abound that the girls have been "afflicted" by l...
In Hidden Mysteries : Buckingham Palace you must peel back the curtains on one of the grandest buildings in the western world to look for treasure and...