Horizon Zero Dawn is the first game of the Horizon video game series. The plot follows Aloy, a young hunter in a world overrun by machines, who sets o...
Horizon Zero Dawn is the first game of the Horizon video game series. The plot follows Aloy, a young hunter in a world overrun by machines, who sets o...
Killzone 3 is a 2011 first-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 3, developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment....
Join Aloy as she braves the Forbidden West, a majestic but dangerous frontier that conceals mysterious new threats. Explore distant lands, fight bigge...
Join Aloy as she braves the Forbidden West - a majestic but dangerous frontier that conceals mysterious new threats. Explore distant lands, fight bigg...
Explore distant lands, fight bigger and more awe-inspiring machines, and encounter astonishing new tribes as you return to the far-future, post-apocal...
Take on the role of skilled hunter Aloy as you explore a lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures in an exhilarating new Open World Act...
The game is set in an era of space colonization where the Helghast Empire has recovered from its defeat in the First Helghan War and launched a blitzk...
O jogo se passa em um futuro próximo, 30 anos após os eventos de Killzone 3. O mundo é um lugar completamente diferente duas facções rivais conhecidas...
Explore terras distantes, enfrente máquinas maiores e mais imponentes, e encontre novas tribos incríveis ao retornar para o futuro distante e pós-apoc...
Take on the role of skilled hunter Aloy as you explore a lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures in an exhilarating new Open World Act...