Tag: Gremlin Interactive Ltd.

The famous fantasy-themed board game was converted into an isometric-viewed role playing game in which the evil Wizard Morcar must be defeated. You ta...

There are 9 large missions to take on. The players can choose a team of 4 from 8 character classes. The abilities of these can be customized before th...

Take up the challenge to become a Hero and enter the underground realm of the evil wizard Morcar. But beware, the unlit tunnels hold many dangers-terr...

H.A.T.E.: Hostile All-Terrain Encounter is an isometric scrolling shoot 'em up similar to Sega's Zaxxon, developed by Vortex Software and released in ...

This horizontally scrolling R-Type-influenced shoot 'em up features 5 levels to blast through, with bosses at the end of each level as well as tough m...

This racing game comes with a novelty - instead of the more conventional vehicles, it sets you riding a sidecar in a game with realistic and arcade el...

3D Galax

3D Galax


As the name implies, 3D Galax takes the Space Invaders/Galaxian concept into the third dimension. Seen from a first-person cockpit perspective and uti...