God of War (commonly referred to as God of War 4) is an upcoming third-person action-adventure video game in development by Santa Monica Studio and to...
God of War (commonly referred to as God of War 4) is an upcoming third-person action-adventure video game in development by Santa Monica Studio and to...
Living as a man outside the shadow of the gods, Kratos must adapt to unfamiliar lands, unexpected threats, and a second chance at being a father. Toge...
God of War (commonly referred to as God of War 4) is an upcoming third-person action-adventure video game in development by Santa Monica Studio and to...
Kratos is a warrior who serves the Greek gods of Olympus. Flashbacks reveal that he was once a successful but bloodthirsty captain in the Spartan army...
God of War is an action-adventure game developed by the Santa Monica division of Sony Computer Entertainment. It was released for the Playstation 2 on...