Tag: Game Arts

The story focuses on Ryudo the Geohound (a kind of mercenary) and his talking bird, Skye. Together they accept a mission from the town of Carbo's chur...

GRANDIA HD Remaster is out now! Celebrate its exciting adventures once again! GRANDIA tells the story of Justin, the protagonist, and his companion...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up is a fighting video game for the Wii and PlayStation 2 video game consoles. It was developed by Game Arts in co...

The Brawl to end them all! Welcome to a brawl for the ages, where anything can happen, anyone can show up and all bets are off. * This action-pa...

Welcome to a brawl for the ages, where anything can happen, anyone can show up and all bets are off. In multiplayer games, characters from all Nintend...

GRANDIA Justin, a young boy who dreams of one day becoming a great adventurer, uncovers a grand secret within the ancient Dom ruins. Joined by his ch...

Grandia: Parallel Trippers

Grandia: Parallel Trippers

Nintendo Game Boy Color

The main character, Yuhi, and his friends Mizuki and Shirou, were sent from school to another dimension in the wake of a certain incident. It was a gi...

Gambler Jiko Chuushinha

Gambler Jiko Chuushinha

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

A Mahjong game based on a manga license, published by Asmik for the NES and MSX in Japan only. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha is a mahjong gambling game b...

Faria: A World of Mystery & Danger!

Faria: A World of Mystery & Danger!

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The player controls a female character throughout most of the game. A male character is played towards the end of the game. The game uses "Levels", HP...