Tag: Game Arts Co., Ltd.

Yumimi Mix Remix

Yumimi Mix Remix

Sega Saturn

Yumimi Mix Remix (ゆみみみっくす リみっくす) is a Sega Saturn re-release of Yumimi Mix.

This is a side-story, set in the same world as the famous Lunar RPGs: Silver Star and Eternal Blue. The town of Burg is populated by harvesters, and...

Alisia Dragoon

Alisia Dragoon

Sega Genesis

The evil being Baldour is close to awakening from his long slumber with the help of his aide Ornah. The world cannot bear a second revival of Baldour...

Alisia Dragoon

Alisia Dragoon

Sega Genesis

The pace is intense. Enemies come at Alisia from everywhere. And nowhere. Battle hordes of crazed barbarians, mow down mobs of poisonous centipedes, a...

This is a side-story, set in the same world as the famous Lunar RPGs: Silver Star and Eternal Blue. The town of Burg is populated by harvesters, and y...

Yumimi Mix

Yumimi Mix

Sega CD

Yumimi Mix (ゆみみみっくす) is an adventure game for the Sega Mega-CD. It was only released in Japan, and was re-released on the Sega Saturn as Yumimi Mix Re...