Ninja Spirit, known in Japan as Saigo no Nindou (最後の忍道), is a 1988 platform game developed and released in arcades by Irem. Tsukikage's journey tak...
Ninja Spirit, known in Japan as Saigo no Nindou (最後の忍道), is a 1988 platform game developed and released in arcades by Irem. Tsukikage's journey tak...
NY Warriors is a top down action game in which you must face various armed gangs in a post apocalyptic New York and finish various missions. The game ...
You are Lemmy - the leader of the heavy metal band Motörhead. Your fellow band members have been kidnapped by fans of other music genres. Our bass-gui...
Nothing, NOTHING can prepare you... ALL the fierce kombatants of the #1 arcade smash gather for Mortal Kombat II, a battle to defeat the shape-shiftin...
Five Hundred years ago, an ancient and well respected Shaolin fighting tournament, held every 50 years, was corrupted by an evil and elderly sorcerer ...
Something's happening in these lands, and the only hope seems to be the moonstone. You, as a chosen knight from the druids are about to find it and br...
Released over a decade after being written in 1993, the Amiga Metal Warrior game is different from its C64 namesake, although they share a theme. Set ...
Metal Masters is an Amiga beat'em up arcade game released in 1991 by Infogrames.
M.U.D.S. (Mean Ugly Dirty Sports) is a slightly humorous but definitely violent game in which the game itself is won by scoring at least 7 out of 14 g...
Lorna is off to fight aliens in this scrolling beat-em-up. And would you believe that our buxom blonde bimbette is barely bedecked in a beige bikini?