Yie Ar Kung-Fu follows the quest of a martial artist named Oolong to become the Grand Master of Kung-Fu, honoring the memory of his illustrious father...
Yie Ar Kung-Fu follows the quest of a martial artist named Oolong to become the Grand Master of Kung-Fu, honoring the memory of his illustrious father...
Discover Kung-Fu: The Way of the Exploding Fist (also known as Way of the Exploding Fist, The Way of the Exploding Fist), an excellent game of 1985 ru...
Target: Renegade is a scrolling beat'em up (or flip-screen on certain versions) computer game released on the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectru...
According to the game's preamble, a prophet has determined that within the next seven years, there will be a world war which is instigated by a "myste...
El juego de Konami de mayor éxito en las máquinas, en versión ahora para tu ordenador. Ayuda a Shao Lin a escapar de sus múltiples enemigos en su cami...
Shadow of the Beast is a side-scrolling platform video game produced by Reflections and published by Psygnosis in 1989. The original version was relea...
Sai Combat features real-life combat, in the Japanese style of Sai Karate AKA Kendo. The difference from standard karate is the presence of a large st...
Simulación tridimensional de un combate de boxeo. Lucha contra CIMBEL-LIN, TED MATARE, JANSEN SINO, Y FIGHTER BULL. Supera las 4 fases existentes y...
The company behind Way of the Exploding Fist and Fighting Warrior also tried its hand at wrestling, with this game claiming to be the first 3D combat ...
The press is unanimous: the best simulation to date! Two years work were barely sufficient to digitize all the blows, falls, foils and to recreate mor...