As a teen, Lara Croft discovers her true roots as an adventurer in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation for the PlayStation, the fourth installment of the...
As a teen, Lara Croft discovers her true roots as an adventurer in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation for the PlayStation, the fourth installment of the...
A few days after the events described in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Lara Croft is presumed dead. Her close friends begin to recollect her previ...
An outcast warrior enters a land plagued by an evil curse. Guts is unlike ordinary men for he carries the Dragon Slayer, a mighty blade of retribution...
"I have many things to tell you and very little time... I come from a universe parallel to yours. My world is desperately in need of your help. Only Y...
Taking place 1500 years after the events of Blood Omen, Soul Reaver chronicles the journey of the vampire-turned-wraith Raziel, lieutenant to the vamp...
Soul Reaver is a third-person perspective action game with puzzle-solving and some platforming elements. The game follows Raziel on his quest to purge...
Fighting Force 2 is a beat-em-up/adventure game set in the not-to-distant future. Human cloning has become a real possibility, but has been banned by ...
The game itself follows the films' storyline loosely. The player can choose the role of one of two dalmatians, Oddball or Domino, who are out in the b...
Tweedy's Farm is home to a bunch of chickens, who are falling behind on their work load (laying eggs). So Mrs Tweedy decides to go into a new business...
Core Design's original Sega CD game Soul Star is an awesome shooter featuring colorful sprite-based graphics, smooth scaling, and a behind-the-ship v...