The sequel to the 3D wrestling game that gained popularity with its realistic simulation system, Pro Wrestling Sengokuden. Reversal technique and skil...
The sequel to the 3D wrestling game that gained popularity with its realistic simulation system, Pro Wrestling Sengokuden. Reversal technique and skil...
For those who love wrestling! Defend wrestling strongest myth!! Authentic professional wrestling simulation game!! Pro Wrestling Sengokuden establi...
Finally, the unorthodox wrestling simulation game has arrived! Establish yourself as the strongest in the organization, and elevate yourself to become...
To reproduce the behavior of wrestlers, the game uses "motion capture technology". In addition to a realistic player movement, each wrestler is fully ...
Players aim to develop their own characters while competing against rivals in four snowboard competitions and winning. Each rival has a strong competi...
A full-scale professional wrestling game that uses a 3D ring that can move freely not only left and right but also up and down on the ring. There are ...