A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominiq...
A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominiq...
Set in Tokyo in the year 2049, Crimson Tears puts you in the role of one of three biological war weapons with a common mission--to investigate the cau...
Tobal No. 1 is a Fighting/Fighting video game developed by DreamFactory and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on August 2, 1996 for Playstat...
Fighting game with a unique quest mode, from Square. The publisher enlisted the help of Seiichi Ishii, who had previously worked on both Tekken and Vi...
The fighting system in Tobal 2 is the same as in the previous game. The player can freely navigate 3D fighting arenas under the condition that he or s...
BEYOND FIGHTING The world's most brutal tournament has its trophy the legendary weapon 'EHRGEIZ'. Now, fighters from around the world assemble t...
BEYOND FIGHTING The world's most brutal tournament has its trophy the legendary weapon 'EHRGEIZ'. Now, fighters from around the world assemble t...
A zombie shooting game.
UFC: Tapout is a video game in the fighting genre based upon the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The game was released in North America on February 28...
UFC: Tapout 2 takes "real fighting" to the next round, adding more realism, more fighters, and more moves to the series. Now you can go head-to-head w...