Tag: dB-SOFT

Flappy Special

Flappy Special

Nintendo Game Boy

The beautiful planet of Blue Star, home-planet to a young boy named Flappy , is invaded by Dark Emperor Ngalo-Ngolo. The proud inhabitants of Blue Sta...

Zunou Senkan Galg

Zunou Senkan Galg

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Zunou Senkan Galg ("Brain Battleship Galg"), referred to as just Galg by the game's title screen, is a vertical-scrolling shoot-em-up in which the pla...

Woody Poko

Woody Poko

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The player controls an old wooden figure named "This Baggage." He is a hero who has lived in harmony with humans for many years. For This Baggage, ...

Volguard II

Volguard II

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The player controls a pilot who is trying to defend the Earth from an evil nation's global revolution sometime in the year 20XX. Given the assignment,...



Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

A board game simulation similar to Monopoly, but with railroads. Its name means "Railroad Baron". It was only released in Japan, for the Famicom, and ...



Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Layla has to rescue her friend Iris from a genetically modified apparatus named Jill; who is apparently controlled by a Dr. Manitoka. As a member of t...



Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The beautiful planet of Blue Star, home-planet to a young boy named FLAPPY, is invaded by Dark Emperor Ngalo-Ngolo. The proud inhabitants of Blue Star...

Sistema: MSX Año: 1985 País: Japon Producido: dB Soft Distribuidora: Casio Código: MS1-G2109-L1, GPM-115 Género: Matamarcianos Formato: Cartuch...

Volguard is a traditional shoot-'em-up. You fly a plane over a parallax-scrolling landscape, filled with enemy installations which you must bomb. An e...

Laptick 2 es un juego de puzzle de acción. Juegas como Vickey y el objetivo es pisar todos los azulejos del signo de interrogación en una etapa mientr...