Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
Cold Fear is a typical console-style action adventure, similar to games like the Silent Hill series. Most of the time players will be viewing the acti...
The player is given the option of choosing which of the two protagonists they play as. Carnby's side of the plot is based mainly on fighting the monst...
Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
Set on October 31, 2001. Edward Carnby's best friend and partner, Charles Fiske, has been found dead off the coast of Shadow Island, a mysterious isla...
In a ferocious Arctic storm, distress signals are sent from a mysterious Russian whaler. As leading Coast Guard veteran Tom Hansen, you board to inves...
A team from the Coast Guard boards a nameless Russian Whaler lost in a storm. Little do they know that a team of CIA operatives tried to do the same s...