The Earth Defense Force series moves away from its traditional series and into new territory with this new project. Developed by Yuke’s and teaming up...
The Earth Defense Force series moves away from its traditional series and into new territory with this new project. Developed by Yuke’s and teaming up...
Earth Defense Force 6 is an Action game, developed by Sandlot and published by D3Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2022.
Bullet Girls Phantasia is the latest entry in the Bullet Girls series. It is an action shooting game where you control the girls of the “Ranger Club,”...
Turbo: Super Stunt Squad is a high-velocity action game featuring the super-charged crew from the film Turbo. Each character has their own signature s...
Let your imagination soar in Rise of the Guardians as you play as the all magical, powerful, and immortal Guardians from the DreamWorks Animation film...
The Xbox 360 exclusive Onechanbara Z Kagura makes its way to the PlayStation 3 with added content and with Dream C Club favorite NoNoNo! as an unlocka...
Japan release.
In Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard, videogame action hero Matt Hazard gets his chance to prove once and for all that he is the king of shooters wh...
The bugs are back in Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, and its no picnic for the world's elite soldiers as the most concentrated giant insect in...
The long awaited sequel that hardcore shooter fans demanded, Earth Defense Force®2025 is an action shooting bonanza that arms players to repel the mos...