The game follows Takeshi Kuranari and a boy with amnesia who is referred to as "the Kid", who is trapped inside an underwater theme park together with...
The game follows Takeshi Kuranari and a boy with amnesia who is referred to as "the Kid", who is trapped inside an underwater theme park together with...
One of the greatest side-scrolling action games is back! Double Dragon II keeps the original story plot while making vast improvements on all other as...
The new revolution of Tower defense! Defense Technica! A project 'Noah' is now released to defeat the cruel invader Hergus and save the world. You sho...
Cross Channel: In Memory of All People is an Adventure game, developed by WillPlus and published by CyberFront, which was released in Japan in 2011.
Code_18 is a visual novel video game developed by Cyberfront and released on September 29, 2011 for the PlayStation Portable and Xbox 360, and later f...
A turn-based strategy game, equip and level up your party members as you explore dungeons. Donate or sell treasures you find in order to gain fame or ...