Based on the anime, this fighting game lets players explore the ninja village of Konoha to navigate, speak to various characters and set up mini-games...
Based on the anime, this fighting game lets players explore the ninja village of Konoha to navigate, speak to various characters and set up mini-games...
In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 gamers can play through monumental events in the NARUTO storyline all while earning points toward upgrading their characte...
Based off Masashi Kishimoto's manga and anime Naruto, Ultimate Ninja is the first installment of the Ultimate Ninja series, known in Japan as the Naru...
Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja 5 est un jeu de combat/aventure sur Playstation 2. Incarnez le célèbre ninja de Konoha dans ses nouvelles aventures ...
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 is an Action game, developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2...
Ultimate Ninja 4: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN is the first game to bring SHIPPUDEN, the new grand chapter of Naruto saga to North America. Armed with a brand new...
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 is the second game in the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Franchise. Adding More Characters and stages as well as a more refined comba...
This is a direct sequel to the first two hack games. The story of the hack series evolves around young people playing a massive multiplayer online RPG...
The Saga Continues ... As the outlaw player, Kite, you're on a mission of truth. Take a jouney into a virtual world where anything is possible, and n...
.hack//Mutation is the second in a four part game series. It's a single player adventure / rpg that "simulates" an MMORPG (EverQuest, Ultima On-line) ...