DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. A mysterious fish-head nemesis, a grudge...
DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. A mysterious fish-head nemesis, a grudge...
DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. A mysterious fish-head nemesis, a grudge...
** Physical edition limited to 4000 copies. ** "This is a story about death and coffee." Inspired equally by film and anime, Necrobarista is a u...
《DYING: Reborn - Nintendo Switch Edition》is a highly unique first-person problem-solving puzzle game. In this special edition, we will be introducing ...
Detention is a unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture, religious elements and mythology. Based on the 1960s...
DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. A mysterious fish-head nemesis, a grudge...