An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual nov...
An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual nov...
In the year 2061, a manned space mission was planned for Halley’s Comet, which would once again be nearing Earth. A team was assembled from eight coun...
Famicom Jump II: Saikyō no Shichinin (ファミコンジャンプII 最強の7人 Famikon Janpu Tsū Saikyō no Shichinin?, lit. "Famicom Jump II: Strongest Seven") is a 1991 RPG...
Dragon Quest IV differs from the rest of the series by breaking up the game into five distinct chapters, each of which focuses on a different protagon...
Dragon Warrior III is noted for greatly expanding upon the original Dragon Warrior and Dragon Warrior II. The game uses basic console role-playing gam...
This game allows the player to control more than one character, and it is the first one in the Dragon Quest series to do so. The player controls his o...
Dragon Warrior uses console role-playing game mechanics which were described by Kurt Kalata of Gamasutra as archaic in 2008. The player takes the role...
Legend has it that, many years ago, the Legendary Hero, Lotus, received from God's hands a sphere of light. With his power, he defeated the demons tha...
Door Door's blend of puzzle and platform game elements requires strategy, anticipation, and dexterity. Players control Chun, a small, spherical animal...
Zombie Daisuki (ぞんびだいき) is a RTS video game published by Chunsoft released on January 20th, 2011 for the Nintendo DS.