Step into Horror Tales: The Beggar (sequel of Horror Tales: The Wine), a riveting sci-fi journey that unfolds in the aftermath of a catastrophic event...
Step into Horror Tales: The Beggar (sequel of Horror Tales: The Wine), a riveting sci-fi journey that unfolds in the aftermath of a catastrophic event...
Explore a post-pandemic fictional Mediterranean island and confront your fears! Immerse yourself in a seemingly abandoned city and struggle to find a ...
Explore a post-pandemic fictional Mediterranean island and confront your fears! Immerse yourself in a seemingly abandoned city and struggle to find...
A pandemic which causes strong fevers, terrible delirium and death has relentlessly decimated the inhabitants of the archipelago. Rumor has it that a ...
Mind: Path to Thalamus is a First Person Puzzler that throws you into a fantastic and surreal environment. You will bend the natural elements to your ...
- Mediterranean Horror: Explore the forsaken capital of an awe-inspiring archipelago. Do not let yourself be fooled by the gentle sea breeze, the Medi...