Tag: Blue Sky Software

Ultima Underworld

Ultima Underworld

Sony Playstation

Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss is a first-person role-playing video game developed by Blue Sky Productions and published by Origin Systems. Rele...

Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

Sega Master System

Calling Dick Tracy! Calling Dick Tracy! The mob's got the city by the throat! The next move's yours. You've got to grapple with the meanest guys aroun...

Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition is the sequel to the first Jurassic Park game on Genesis and mostly looks and plays like the predecessor. It is also a ...

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Sega Genesis

The Sega Genesis game based on the Jurassic Park movie/book differs from the games made by Ocean for other platforms. Basically, Sega's Jurassic Park ...

An electric plasma grid has left New York in a state of chaos, and only Spider-Man can save the city from total destruction. Responsible is the terror...