Tag: BEC Co., Ltd.

After abandoning the corrupt military and becoming a professional lifter, Sumner Sturgeon has become disenchanted with the life of an air sport athlet...

Based off the Eureka Seven anime, this game takes place several years following the show. Developed by BEC, with characters and scenario by the anime ...

Mobile Suit Gundam 2.0 (SLPS-00280) is an upgraded do-over of the previous PlayStation game based on the original anime's storyline, Mobile Suit Gunda...

Darius Gaiden

Darius Gaiden

Sony Playstation

Take command of your Silverhawk fighters once again as you battle to take back the planet Darius from the evil forces that had overpowered it!

Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden II ~Ao wo Uketsugu Mono~ (Genteiban) (機動戦士ガンダム外伝Ⅱ 蒼を受け継ぐ者 (限定版)) is an Action - Shooter game, developed by BEC (Bandai Ente...




Slayers is the first Slayers game, released for a Japanese computer named NEC PC-9800. As was called Slayers, but through the internet is known as Sla...