Tag: Banpresto Co., Ltd.

The game is a side-scrolling "beat-'em-up" game, one or two players pick their desired Senshi and travel through various stages defeating enemies. Ite...

Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon DX (機動戦士ガンダム連邦vs.ジオンDX) is an action game developed by Capcom and published by Banpresto for the Sega NAOMI ar...

Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon, known in Japan as Kidō Senshi Gundam: Renpō vs. Zeon, is a 2001 arcade action game developed by Capcom and pu...

Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue is an updated version of the first Gundam fighting game. Like its predecessor, it is a Street Fighter II-style versus fig...

Mobile Suit Gundam is a Street Fighter II-style fighting game based on the original 1979 television series of the franchise. Players can select fro...

Metamoqester is a 2D arcade fighting game, similar in concept to Red Earth or Monster Maulers. One or two players (there is a co-op mode) fight agains...

Mazinger Z is an Action game, developed by Eleven (Japan) and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1994.This is shooting game in whi...

Masked Riders Club: Battle Race is a top-down action racing game based on the Kamen Rider television franchise. The game consists of nine vertically-s...

In 1999, an alien ship crashes on South Atalia Island and makes the human race aware of other life in space. Ten years later, the ship is reconstructe...




Gundhara is a 2D top-down shooter, similar to Commando, Ikari Warriors and Bloody Wolf. The game has two heroes: Jerry and Jinn. Gameplay is simple an...