Slayers is the first Slayers game, released for a Japanese computer named NEC PC-9800. As was called Slayers, but through the internet is known as Sla...
Slayers is the first Slayers game, released for a Japanese computer named NEC PC-9800. As was called Slayers, but through the internet is known as Sla...
A videogame developed and published for the Nintendo Wii based upon the manga and anime series Crayon Shin-chan. The game was released in Spain on Apr...
Super Robot Wars GC is the first and only Nintendo GameCube Super Robot Wars title. The basic premise of the game is that the plot, settings, characte...
Charinko Hero is a Racing game, developed and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 2003.
Using cards called "unit cards" that store compatible heroes such as Kamen Rider, Gundam, and Ultraman, battle with rivals appearing in the game and r...
This is a game in which the robots that appear in "Super Robot Wars" are organized into their own teams and fight against each other. Aim to become th...
This time Super Robot will be a pinball showdown! The basis of the game is, of course, pinball. Defeat the bumper robot on the main stage to prepare f...
The story is a completely original story that begins with the final scene of the original climax "Senkai Taisen". After a fierce battle, Taiko's fatef...
Conan and his friends will participate in a mystery cruise where participants will solve the mystery of an incident that occurs on a voyage whose dest...
The second detective adventure of Conan's great success, following the "Karakuri Temple Murder Case". The next stage is an isolated island called Stra...