Super Robot Taisen EX is the fourth game released in the Super Robot Taisen series, though is not a true sequel to the 3rd Super Robot Taisen but rath...
Super Robot Taisen EX is the fourth game released in the Super Robot Taisen series, though is not a true sequel to the 3rd Super Robot Taisen but rath...
Prove your mettle in the world’s biggest simultaneous multiplayer PAC-MAN experience! Jump into 64-player games and show everyone who's the leader of ...
Return to a world of charming horror in Little Nightmares II, a suspense adventure game in which you play as Mono, a young boy trapped in a world that...
In Touch My Katamari, the ever-growing ball of bits and bobs is controlled by touching the screen to roll it in any direction. A completely new Katama...
The IdolM@ster: Must Songs - Aka-Ban is an Action game, developed and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2015.
Asterisk War fans! Exciting news~The Asterisk War: The Academy City On The Water -One of the most popular Japanese light novels written by Yuu Miyazak...
While this version retains elements from the earlier games, Tekken 6 introduces a new Rage system that increases the strength of the player characters...
The undisputed #1 fighting series on the planet. Play the most intense 3D fighter all over again!
The Imperial Capital of Regnum kept itself in peace during the long-lasting world war. Slowly, people with a "special power" began to appear. Feared b...
Kor Meteor is a young man living in a small village by the sea who trains with his grandfather in the ways of the sword. Impressed by Kor's growing sk...