Amidst the glimmer of neon lights, technological advancement causes humans to be consumed by commercial convenience. In the shadows, a war between the...
Amidst the glimmer of neon lights, technological advancement causes humans to be consumed by commercial convenience. In the shadows, a war between the...
Trine 2 is a sidescrolling game of action, puzzles and platforming where you play as one of Three Heroes who make their way through dangers untold in ...
The King of Fighters XIII (ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ XIII?) is a fighting game in the The King of Fighters series, developed and published by SNK Playmore origi...
The Cursed Crusade is an action-adventure game developed by Kylotonn and published by dtp entertainment AG for Europe, Atlus for North America and Ubi...
Magic Era: 996. The ten kingdoms of the land, seizing the opportunity provided by Overlord Janus's death, are attempting to unify the continent under ...
"In P4AU, the characters from Persona 4 and Persona 3 once again find themselves teaming up to face off in the P-1 Climax, a series of battles which m...
Two months after the ending of the hit RPG Persona 4, a new threat has emerged in Persona 4 Arena! During Golden Week, a new rumor begins spreading t...
With an original story written under the supervision of George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones promises to deliver the ultimate interactive role-playing...
As Vincent, a man recently succumbed to the irresistible beauty of the game's titular diversion, players find themselves swept into a treacherous love...
The game's plot follows a set of heroes who fight to reach a warlock whose dreams are infecting reality in late 19th century Santiago, Chile. Abyss Od...