Shortly after an urban youth begins a year-long stay in the countryside town of Inaba, the rural town's peace is shattered by a horrific murder that l...
Shortly after an urban youth begins a year-long stay in the countryside town of Inaba, the rural town's peace is shattered by a horrific murder that l...
Lead a group of high school students with a dangerous extracurricular activity: exploring the mysterious tower Tartarus and fighting the sinister Shad...
Lead a group of high school students with a dangerous extracurricular activity: exploring the mysterious tower Tartarus and fighting the sinister Shad...
Each copy comes with 52-page Color Art Book, Soundtrack CD featuring 18 songs and outer Collector's Box. Engaging Social Link system - build intimate ...
In Persona 3, you’ll assume the role of a high school student, who was orphaned as a young boy, and has recently transferred to Gekkoukan High Schoo...
Set in postapocalyptic Tokyo, Japan, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne takes you to a world where nearly the entire population is annihilated by a worldwid...
Set in postapocalyptic Tokyo, Japan, Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call takes you to a world where nearly the entire population is annihilated by a wo...
Junkyard, a town of endless rain. With his four companions, Serf, the main character and a member of a tribe called Embryon, sets out for Nirvana, a l...
Junkyard, a town of endless rain. With his four companions, Serf, the main character and a member of a tribe called Embryon, sets out for Nirvana, a l...
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga follows Serf and his four companions as they set out for Nirvana, a land that can only be reached by the champi...