Based on the hit show and DC Comics series, Teen Titans gives gamers the chance to be any of the Teen Titans heroes as they switch in realtime between...
Based on the hit show and DC Comics series, Teen Titans gives gamers the chance to be any of the Teen Titans heroes as they switch in realtime between...
Based on the cartoon series, in the Game Boy Advance version players must lead Scooby-Doo and Shaggy through five huge episodes, exploring creepy envi...
In this action adventure platform game, players will assume the role of Scooby-Doo as he and the teenage sleuths of Mystery Inc. visit Fred's cousin J...
Get ready to save the neighborhood! Oh no! Old man Nebbercracker's house is eating anything and anyone who gets near it, and Halloween is almost he...
In the interactive game, an animated Lizzie takes on a side-scrolling action-adventure filled with 12 captivating levels. Players travel to Lizzie's f...
Gabriella must be dreaming... Help the Wildcats find the missing instruments in time for the state competition! Play as Gabriella, Troy, Sharpay and...
Based on the tween lifestyle brand, this action / adventure game contains loads of adventures tailored specifically to the player's personality type. ...
Midway brings back all the craziness of the Cartoon Network's ED, EDD, N EDDY with ED, EDD, N EDDY: MIS-EDVENTURES for the Game Boy Advance. Centering...
Based on Disney's animated series Kim Possible, Team Possible follows Kim and Ron Stoppable as they battle villains, including Senor Senor, Monkey Fis...
Kim Possible's new adventure leads her into battle with Falsetto Jones, Gemini, Duff Killigan, Shego, and Dr. Drakken in four intense episodes. In eac...