Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a unique take on the most successful Super Hero™ franchise of all time. Inspired by the movies Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 a...
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a unique take on the most successful Super Hero™ franchise of all time. Inspired by the movies Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 a...
Mostly based on the 2008 movie Iron Man, this videogame of the one-man-army hero has been released for seven different platforms. The game of Iron ...
Naughty Bear is an action video game featuring a unique blend of comic mischief and shamefully bad behavior. Players will take on the role of Naughty ...
Join Mike and Sulley as they train to become some of the scariest monsters around! Do they have what it takes to become top Scarers?
Teen Titans is a video game created for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Nintendo GameCube, and released in 2006. It is the second video game based on the...
Power Rangers: Super Legends features fast-paced, martial arts combat highlighted by super moves and gravity-defying aerial combos. Play as twelve fav...
Mike and Sulley try to get a job at Monsters, Inc. by going to Scare Island in order to train to become top scarers.
Oh no! Old man Nebbercracker's house is eating anything and anyone who gets near it, and Halloween is almost here! So grab your Water Blaster, gather ...
The game of Iron Man puts you under the skin of Tony Stark. He is a billionaire weapon-industrialist and genius inventor who, after being kidnapped by...
The Happy Feet game features the voices of Elijah Wood and Brittany Murphy, who reprise their roles from the movie. The game puts the player in the sh...