Tag: Allumer, Ltd.

"MAGICAL SPEED" is a card game released by ALLUMER in 1994. The main characters, NICOLE and CLAIRE, go on a great adventure in search of the "RAINB...

"MAGICAL SPEED" is a card game released by ALLUMER in 1994. The main characters, NICOLE and CLAIRE, go on a great adventure in search of the "RAINB...




Taking place in the year 2191, the player pilots a recently developed space fighter, the SR-91, through six stages to defend the Earth from a two-year...

Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue is an updated version of the first Gundam fighting game. Like its predecessor, it is a Street Fighter II-style versus fig...

Mobile Suit Gundam is a Street Fighter II-style fighting game based on the original 1979 television series of the franchise. Players can select fro...

Masked Riders Club: Battle Race is a top-down action racing game based on the Kamen Rider television franchise. The game consists of nine vertically-s...

Mad Shark

Mad Shark


Mad Shark is an Action game, developed and published by Allumer, which was released in 1993.




Blandia is a 1992 one-on-one, weapon-based fighting arcade game developed and published by Allumer. It is the sequel to the 1986 arcade game, Gladiato...