Zero Time Dilemma is the third entry in the acclaimed Zero Escape series. The mysterious Zero traps 9 participants within an underground shelter, divi...
Zero Time Dilemma is the third entry in the acclaimed Zero Escape series. The mysterious Zero traps 9 participants within an underground shelter, divi...
You thought you'd defeated the Nonary Game, but now it's back, and more deadly than ever. It'll take cunning, skill, and more than a little luck to es...
Based on the Portal-inspired Flash game called Shift, Shifting World on 3DS features the same basic premise but with added features and expanded conte...
Join apprentice witch Moco and her friends on a journey of friendship, excitement, and adventure! Moco Moco Friends is an exciting twist on the adv...
Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei takes place in a flooded world and the story's protagonist is a man with the Sacred Sword Langrisser, looking to reun...
Investigate a deadly new mystery! A shaky lead about a stiff in a haunted house starts Jake Hunter on a perilous path of clues and dark secrets. Wh...
At a time when shogunate and imperial forces clashed for supremacy over Japan, Chizuru travels to Kyoto in search of her missing father. She runs into...
Trapped below a creepy abandoned mansion deep in the forest, a group of friends find themselves on the run from a terrifying monster. Using only her w...
Join the exploits of two gritty detectives whose sense of justice and raw instinct drive them to seek the truth. Put your sleuthing skills to the chal...
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II contains the complete set of single player features from the console version, such as Arcade, Story Attack, Training, and...