Kokoro Connect: Yochi Random is a Japanese visual novel adaption of the popular anime and light novel series Kokoro Connect for the Playstation Portab...
Kokoro Connect: Yochi Random is a Japanese visual novel adaption of the popular anime and light novel series Kokoro Connect for the Playstation Portab...
Puzzle Series is a series of puzzle video games by Hudson Soft.
Original Story from Fairy Tail: Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou is an Action game, developed by AI and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in...
Tekkaman Blade is a Japanese game based on the anime 'Tekkaman Blade', also known as Teknoman. The game's levels are a mix of scrolling shooter and fi...
J.League '96 Dream Stadium is a Sports game, developed by AI and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Bomberman B-Daman is a video game for the Super Nintendo that was released only in Japan. It is part of the Bomberman B-Daman series. This game featur...
Walk it Out! provides gamers on the Wii platform with a unique way to explore an inviting and entertaining gameworld, while staying active and social....
Super Robot Wars GC is the first and only Nintendo GameCube Super Robot Wars title. The basic premise of the game is that the plot, settings, characte...
The second Super Robot Wars game for the Game Boy Advance, R (Reversal) follows the battles of the "Round Knights" as they fight against various mecha...
The 4th Super Robot Wars on the Game Boy Advance, D (Destiny) chronicles the battle against the Ruina. Super Robot Wars D is the fourth Super Robot...